A random text editor.

That is to say, a text editor that only allows you to change the character at a specific location.

...Yeah, I'll be honest, I took the theme a little seriously. But you could totally write something in this, it'd just take a while. 22 rows of 40 column text, knock yourself out.

D-pad - move cursor

A - change character at cursor

B - toggle cursor

X - bring up help message

(for those playing with keyboard, D-pad == arrow keys, A = Z, B = X, X=A)


randomtexteditor 4.6 MB
randomtexteditor_mac 4.1 MB
randomtexteditor.exe 4 MB
randomtexteditor.lua 13 kB
randomtexteditor.tic 15 kB
randomtexteditor_xp.exe 3 MB

Install instructions

Windows: Use "randomtexteditor_xp.exe" if you're on a Windows from XP to 8.1, "randomtexteditor.exe" for 10+.

Mac: It should work. I recently found out it's a bare executable and not an app bundle.

Linux: Pretty sure this one oughta just work. But I can't verify.

TIC: If you want to be absolutely certain that it'll work for you (and you want to run it locally), use the .tic file. You'll need TIC-80 to run it.

Source code: If you wanna see how this works (and criticize my code) then download the .lua file.


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this doubles as an ascii art tool

True! Although if you manage to make something good with it, then hats off to you.